How to learn to manage your time effectively?

Home assignments and tasks pile up, deadlines approach and pass.  You feel unhappy, stress builds and time-related concerns seem never-ending.  How to cope best to with all this?

Here are a few simple, yet useful, tips to help you learn to manage your time and cope with all your commitments and tasks.

  1. Start tracking how you use your time.

Simply note down what you do and for how long. Write down the time you spend on exercise, watching TV, Facebook, studying, etc., to the minute. Perhaps you can eliminate something from this list.

  1. Write down all your commitments in detail.

Write down all your homework and deadlines and make a list of everything that you need to do. You could put things in order of importance, for example, by marking the most urgent things in red and less urgent things in blue. Add the date and time by which each task needs to be completed. Keep checking the list and make corrections whenever necessary.

  1. Set yourself earlier deadlines.

This will give you a margin of time in case of unforeseen events so that you can finish your commitments on time.

  1. Plan your leisure activities too.

Make a note of the activities that you enjoy and write down when you go to the gym, meet friends, go to a party, etc.

  1. Give yourself credit for the commitments you have completed.

Cross a completed commitment off the list or tick it off. Praise and reward yourself – it is up to you if it is going to be something sweet or salty or going to the cinema instead!

  1. Say ‘no’ when you need to!

If too many commitments are piling up, just say NO!

Good time management allows you to do almost anything! Time flies – learn to use it wisely.

Prepared by the team of the youth information portal Teeviit.

Published in the youth information portal Teeviit in 2021.

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