What is global warming?
There is increasingly more talk about global warming everywhere. Nowadays, global warming is one of
There is increasingly more talk about global warming everywhere. Nowadays, global warming is one of
Climate change, also known as the climate crisis, is one of the biggest issues facing
The climate crisis knocking on our door is pounding more and more anxiously – the
Fast fashion is a major subject, covering everything from waste, the impact of the fast
The youth information portal Teeviit interviewed Kertu Birgit Anton about environmental matters. How did you
My name is Kaia Solnik and my ambition in life is to be as kind
As part of the International Youth Day 2021, the youth information portal Teeviit made a
Did you know that every person in Estonia produces around 400 kilos of waste a
A smartphone from China, music from the US, a shirt from Bangladesh, trousers from Turkey,
Youth information portal Teeviit asked the ecologist Mihkel Kangur three questions about environmental issues that
Teeviit youth-info on veebileht, kust leiad kümne eri teemavaldkonna kohta info, mis pärineb usaldusväärsetest ja kontrollitud allikatest. Teemadena on kajastatud õppimine, noorsootöö, meediapädevus, töötamine, rahatarkus, noorte õigused, füüsiline tervis, vaime tervis, seksuaaltervis, suhted, keskkond, ohutus.
Info on eesti, inglise, vene ja ukraina keeles.
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