What is pornography?

Pornography is a form of representation in which sexual acts are brought to the foreground in a vulgar and intrusive manner and other human relations are disregarded or relegated to the background.

The word ‘pornography’ comes from the Greek ‘porne’, meaning prostitute, and ‘graphein’, meaning writing, and refers to something related to evoking sexual arousal. The definition of pornography may vary, depending on everyone’s subjective opinion. Pornography has been defined differently in different times and societies. A lingerie catalogue may be classified as pornography in a certain society, but not in another. Pornography is the detailed description or depiction of sexual acts in literature, film or pictures. A product that contains sexual content and is aimed at eliciting sexual arousal, the depicted being often unnatural and unacceptable in real life, creates conflicting feelings.

What is pornography?

Pornography may depict unrealistic positions, disproportionately large genitals, a fairytale-like atmosphere, scripted intercourse and hours-long sexual relations. Pornography is pure fiction, even though it is performed by real people. Pornography gives the impression that weakness, insecurity or love have no place in human sexuality. This has a negative effect on people: it makes them insecure, disloyal, timid and doubtful of their abilities. Comparing your body or sexuality to pornography may raise questions about your body and its normalcy.

Pornography also leads to the notion that both women and men must always be ready for sex and reach orgasm.

Why do people watch it? 

Pornography is often watched for gratification, be it motivated by fantasy or arousal. It is also watched out of interest or curiosity. People want to know what intercourse looks like and learn from pornography. It is also used as an outlet to experiment with a partner or as a substitute for a lack of partner. Although sex is also depicted in films, many young people first learn about sex from pornography. Also, some couples may find ways to enrich their sex life through porn.

However, it is worth noting that pornography may not be the best source to learn about sex. You could even say that the lessons learned from pornography may lead the viewer down the wrong path. This is because pornography is mostly produced for commercial purposes, due to which the sex depicted in it is primarily intended to sell, not offer pleasure. Watching pornography can lead to an addiction that is not so easy to kick. 

Prohibitions and recommendations

  1. Only adults are allowed to watch and engage in pornography. 
  2. Section 33 of the Child Protection Act sets out protection against sexual abuse. It states that a child (ie a person under the age of 18) must be protected from any form of sexual abuse, and it is forbidden for an adult to induce a child to engage in sexual activity. Pursuant to section 50 of the same act, it is prohibited in Estonia to produce or distribute obscene (pornographic) materials, printed matter and films for or among children, and it is prohibited to use children in the production and distribution of obscene materials. In order to distribute or show pornographic works, a shop, cinema, video room or another venue must apply for a licence and ensure that no minors are present. This is done, for example, in cinemas. There are films that are forbidden to minors. 
  3. Children cannot be prevented from coming across sexual content. It is important to talk to them about it. As exposure to pornography occurs at an increasingly younger age, it is essential that children have someone to talk to about it, and it is best if that someone is their mother or father. However, this requires a trusting and open relationship between children and their parents. Children need to feel comfortable enough at home to have the courage to tell their parents what they saw. 
  4. Parents set an example for their children’s future relationships. Parents must not lose themselves in the relationship and family. It is important to maintain the husband-wife relationship even as a parent. If this is lost or if parents lose themselves, the relationship will not work either, which may lead to the family breaking up. It is also important to pay attention to intimacy every day: people should hug their loved ones dozens of times per day. This is how parents set an example for their children.


If you feel that someone is harassing you or sending you pornographic content, contact:

  • Victim support (https://www.palunabi.ee/), a family member, a loved one or a specialist.
  • Victim support crisis helpline: 116006 
  • Mental health helpline: +372 660 4500
  • Human trafficking prevention helpline: + 372 660 7320
  • Support line for quitting violence: +372 660 6077 
  • Child helpline 116 111, www.lasteabi.ee 
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