Puberty – A Time of Changes

Unfortunately, there is no magic button that, when pressed, would instantly turn a person into an adult. You cannot just wake up one morning and discover that you have become an adult with all the answers to life’s questions.

Neither will your mind and body stop changing as soon as you hit the age of 18. Everything happens gradually and you learn something new every day. Teenagers are constantly experiencing new things. It is an exciting time, but also one where you must make a lot of difficult decisions about sexuality. Attitudes towards these choices play a major role in whether a person is satisfied with their life, relationships, and health later in life. It can all certainly be very stressful. It is important to remember that not every decision you make will be right, and sometimes you will have to start over from scratch. Just keep in mind that change is positive and that experiences, both good and bad, are there to learn from.

Puberty is a time of changes when a child becomes an adult. Experiences during puberty can generate misunderstanding and confusion, but also pride and self-love. Understanding how your thoughts, feelings, and body work helps you to cope with all  this better. Sooner or later, all your peers will go through the same thing. Even though an adolescent is not yet ready to become a parent, their body starts to prepare them for this eventuality. The physical changes this involves are accompanied by new feelings.

You may find yourself comparing yourself to the rest of the world and wondering: am I normal? You may experience mood swings, with bouts of laughter followed shortly by tears. You may feel a deep longing for closeness, leading you to daydream about love and romantic relationships. Sexuality will become increasingly noticeable in your body, thoughts, and feelings. Sexual arousal may occur spontaneously, but also when you’re exploring your body or navigating your first intimate relationships. You may occasionally desire solitude, as you become more self-aware and self-centred.

Relationships with friends and peers will become increasingly important to you, as they allow you to see yourself more clearly and understand what closeness means. As you mature, so will your relationships with your family members – for example, you will find yourself communicating more like an adult with your parents. As your understanding of causes, consequences, and the connections between things expands, you will find yourself increasingly better equipped to make independent decisions. You will be better able to analyse, for example, the messages delivered to you by social media about sexuality and other aspects of life.

Remember! It’s all natural and related to the changes that characterise puberty.

Source of video:

The article is based on the Estonian Sexual Health Association website.

The Estonian Sexual Health Association is an advocacy organisation for sexual and reproductive health and rights.

The article was published in 2022.

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