I have pimples! What should I do?

During adolescence the body undergoes many changes. Your body becomes shapelier like that of a grown-up, you become interested sexually, your emotions fluctuate rapidly and much more besides. These changes may be accompanied by the appearance of pimples on the face, neck and back. Why do we get pimples and what can be done about it?

During adolescence, it is common for the body’s sebaceous glands to become active. In some people these glands work faster and in others slower – it varies from person to person. The sebaceous glands work mainly in response to male hormones, which are also present in the female body.

Sebaceous glands are most active in the face, neck, chest and back, and that is where pimples are most likely to appear. However, it is not unusual for pimples to appear also on other parts of the body, such as the scalp, on the ear, under the armpit, etc.

  • The fatty substance or sebum that builds up in your body is meant to protect your skin. When the body produces large amounts of sebum (which usually happens in adolescence), it can clog the pores of the skin, producing a dark pimple called comedone.
  • Pimples, or acne, are simply an inflammation of the sebaceous gland – bacteria invade the pores, redness develops around the black spot, the area is sore and soon a yellowish pustule appears.

Pimples can make people feel uncomfortable or insecure because they can appear at the most inconvenient times, in places you would least expect them – like on your forehead or nose!

What should I do?

  • Clean your face regularly with a special cleanser that removes oil and leaves your skin thoroughly clean.
  • Seek help from a pharmacy – cleansing foams, gels, lotions, and toners can help.
  • If you feel that you are unable to manage your spots and skin care at home, contact a dermatologist, a GP, or a youth worker.

Remember that squeezing zits is not advisable as this can easily make the inflammation worse and leave a scar!

The article is based on the Estonian Sexual Health Association www.seksuaaltervis.ee website.

The Estonian Sexual Health Association is an advocacy organisation for sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Published in the youth information portal Teeviit in 2020.

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