Do you know what you want to do in the future? Have you selected job ads that interest you? Are you eager to start your first day at a new job?
Excellent! Before you start applying, go over your CV and make sure it includes everything necessary. What should you pay attention to in addition to correct spelling and a clear structure?
Your photo should be appropriate
The right photo can help create a sympathetic impression, the impact of which should not be underestimated. A photo gives the employer an idea of the person behind the CV. A photo certainly adds personality to the CV, but remember that not every photo is appropriate on a CV – leave out your holiday photos and pictures with friends. A friendly and pleasant photo sparks interest and leaves a positive memory.
Work experience is an integral part of your CV
People are often hesitant to include short-term or seasonal jobs, especially if they have not yet had a professional or long-term job. Do not worry! The younger the job seeker and the less work experience they have, the more important it is to include everything. Describe each work experience – what you got out of this position and which valuable skills you acquired.
A CV is not just a list of work experience
Do not forget that your CV is also about what you do outside of work. Especially if you are a young person with little work experience. Write about your hobbies, volunteer activities or even events which you have organised in your community. Remember that companies recruit people, not just experience and skills.
Skills and knowledge give you an advantage
Before sending a CV, make sure that, in addition to work experience, you have listed all the skills you need for the job for which you are applying. Write down the languages you speak, whether you have a driving licence, which programs you know how to use, which training programmes you have participated in and everything else you can do.
And now let’s tidy up our CVs!
Written in collaboration with CV Keskus.