6 tips for extra money

No one would probably say no to extra money. But how do you earn it? Read the tips of the wise members of Kogumispäevik, Estonia’s largest financial intelligence group on Facebook.

Do seasonal or odd jobs

Some people have been helping their neighbours mow their lawn, rake leaves or shovel snow in winter for years. There are also many people helping farms pick berries in summer. If you want to join them, look out for job ads by farms. You can check website of the Unemployment Insurance Fund.

If you do not care for strawberries, you can make extra money by doing other odd and seasonal jobs, such as gardening, cleaning or construction. ‘I used to do tastings in stores or temporary sales work at fairs and I’ve even hopped around in a mascot costume,’ says one group member. It is also possible to be an external observer for state examinations, work as a back-up actor and find odd jobs on GoWorkaBit.


Many members of Kogumispäevik, especially young people, babysit on the side of their main job or studies. Stay-at-home parents are also taking advantage of this method of making extra money. ‘It adds up to a pretty penny some months,’ said one of them.

Walk pets

If you like animals, this is a great way to combine two things you love – walking dogs or taking care of them while their owners are away and earning money. Five euros for a nice hour’s walk – not bad. One group member makes at least 100 euros every month walking dogs. ‘There is currently not much demand for pet sitting, as people don’t travel, but this would of course bring in more additional money,’ they claimed. But they also noted that finding enough customers takes some time.

Create a cosy home office

You can also make extra money without leaving home. For example, if you speak a language well or are good at accounting. In that case, all you need is a computer and internet connection to offer editing, translation, accounting or another service – why not even Chinese lessons? There is also occasional demand for people to fill in surveys, transcribe texts or enter data.

Make your hobby earn money

Think about your hobbies and you can combine the pleasant with the useful. Do you enjoy cycling? Work out while making money as a courier. ‘I use my bicycle to work as a Wolt courier, which actually makes me more money than my main job. In addition, it’s a good workout,’ said one member of Kogumispäevik. Many crafty-minded people sell handicrafts or baked goods. There are also many others who help organise events or have learned coaching and conduct private workouts.

Sell unnecessary stuff

Another easy way to make extra money is to sell clothes or other stuff you no longer need. ‘It’s worth taking a look around your home – a closet cleanout might lead to selling furniture, so you end up with more space in your home, and more time and energy for other things,’ noted one group member.

If living more frugally, saving money and investing is something that excites you, join #Kogumispäevik and listen to its podcasts for many other valuable tips.

Written by Brenda Parbus. The article is republished from the Swedbank blog. See the original here.

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